Affection bouquet

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Embrace the purity of nature with our enchanting bouquet featuring Carnation Pink, White Roses, and lush foliage. Radiate joy and elegance with the vibrant hues of Gerberas complemented by the timeless beauty of White Roses, all adorned with verdant foliage for a touch of natural charm. Explore our collection now and bring a touch of fresh, floral splendor to any occasion. ORDER NOW!

FREE/SAME DAY DELIVERY – Makati, Mandaluyong, Manila, Pasay, Pateros, San Juan city, Taguig, BGC. Perfect gifts for Mother’s day, Anniversaries, Birthday, Occasions. Order now!

OFFERS DELIVERY IN Caloocan, Makati, Manila, Mandaluyong, Muntinlupa, Malabon, Marikina, Navotas, Las PInas, Pasig, Pasay, Paranaque, Pateros, Quezon City, San Juan, Taguig and Valenzuela


Add-On Items


Stuffed Toy





Should any of the specified items described be unavailable due to seasonal reasons, a substitute of equal or greater value shall be used. Some flowers will be received in buds to assure and enjoy freshness of flowers.