
When coming into February, its 14th day tends to be a hotly anticipated event for many reasons. Valentine’s Day is a notable date in most calendars, marked by people eager to celebrate. When love is in the air, what else is there to do but appreciate the time dedicated to romance?

Above all else, it’s also important to look back at how things started. The holiday has a long and rich background, and its value to history is undeniable. To best understand how it has stood the test of time, let’s look back at where it all began and why.

What Is the Origin of Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day’s origins have many different versions, depending on who you ask and what you might choose to believe. Some may tell you of Saint Valentine and his untimely death, the Roman holiday that echoes its own celebrations, or even its appearance in the texts of Chaucer. Either way, Valentine’s Day has become an important celebration for many people; with a long and obscure history, many have differing ideas.

The Roman Holiday ‘Lupercalia’

Dating back to Roman times, scholars found the existence of a holiday known as “Lupercalia” from February 13 to 15, made to celebrate fertility. This makes it the earliest possible origin for Valentine’s Day, where men and boys would sacrifice animals while promoting fertility among women.

The holiday lasted roughly 150 years after Christianity had been legalized in the Roman Empire, after which Pope Gelasius discontinued it. In its ending, the Catholic Church found a new replacement for the holiday with the death of Saint Valentine.

The Martyrdom of Saint Valentine

Saint Valentine’s story begins with the banning of marriages. After Roman Emperor Claudius II declared a law against marriage, under the belief that married men would make for liabilities and poor soldiers, it is said that Saint Valentine decided to preside over and arrange weddings in secret.

Saint Valentine, along with at least one other man who shared his namesake, was executed by the emperor on the 14th of February. To pay tribute to what he had done for the people and what he stood for, the church opted to remember the day of February 14, the middle day of the abolished Lupercalia festival, in his name.

The Use of ‘Valentine’ in Early English Literature

Early English Literature would also see the foundation of the holiday in the works of Chaucer and Shakespeare. The poem “Parliament of Foules” (Parliament of Fowls), written by Chaucer, alludes to a mating pattern of birds during the early spring—an event that falls perfectly in line with that of Valentine’s Day. Similarly, William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” also makes a reference to St. Valentine’s Day, where lucky lovers would meet and rendezvous together.

The Popularization of Valentine’s Day in the 1840s

The 1840s would be when Valentine’s Day saw a commercial rise in popularity and interest. Stationers would have Valentine’s cards published in newspapers. Cards would become a norm in Valentine’s Day tradition, especially with the creation of paper lace for stationary thanks to Esther Howland, “mother of the American valentine.” She would then lead on to become a pioneer in the industry of Valentine’s Day cards.

Establishments and businesses would learn to properly use the event for advertising, profit, and creating merchandise. This, in turn, would build a growing tradition among people regarding how Valentine’s Day can be celebrated.

How Do People Celebrate Valentine’s Day Nowadays?

There are many ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day, from gifting chocolates and flowers to the people you hold dear or spending time away from busy lifestyles together. At the end of the day, it happens to be all about showing someone that they are so deeply appreciated and loved. Whether this is in the simplest or grandest ways, Valentine’s is all about giving and receiving love.

Here are some of the ways people do precisely that:

Express Affection Through Gifts

One of the most traditional ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day comes in the form of gift-giving to loved ones. Many choose to show affection through what they send, such as Valentine’s flowers and chocolates. Others might opt for more personal items such as cards, personalized accessories, unique Valentine’s flower arrangements or Valentine’s bouquets, or gifts catered to a loved one’s wants.

Go on Romantic Dates

Another alternative to approaching Valentine’s Day is to spend time with a partner or significant other. With romance in the air, simply going on a romantic date together is an ideal way to spend quality time. Maybe there’s a restaurant you and your loved one are looking forward to trying, or a movie you both want to watch. There are few more ideal times to take the leap and do it than this.

Celebrate With Friends and Family

Of course, it doesn’t have to be just romantic affairs alone. Valentine’s Day is a day of love, including familial and platonic. Going out and celebrating with friends and family is a perfectly lovely way to show your appreciation for them. Spread the love by spending time with the people you value, whether in small or big ways.

Where To Find the Best Valentine Flowers in Manila

If you wish to give your loved ones gifts for the upcoming Valentine’s Day, look no further than Raphael’s Gifts. Our long catalog of flowers, bouquets, and floral arrangements is sure to warm the hearts of your loved ones on this special day.


With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, take a chance to appreciate the romance and love in the air. Whether you’re celebrating with your loved ones or with a special someone in your life, Raphael’s Gifts is here to help you with your wonderful gesture. Contact us or visit our website for more information.